Well, with another year almost behind us, it is time to start to look ahead to 2009. As this will be the year that I will turn the big 50, I have looked into many things, such as diet, sleep, and other activities that will help keep all of us going for a lot of years to come. Not quite ready to pack it all in yet, got a lot more living to do.
What you put into your body affects more than just your weight; food doesn’t just quiet a rumbling belly, it influences your moods, has an effect on energy levels and your overall health. It’s now time to open a new skylight to your soul and take in the healthier panorama that will truly feed your mind and body in 2009. By now hopefully, either you are taking vitamins already or have decided that the benefits of taking some vitamins daily could be a true key to a healthy, and more vibrant you in the years ahead of all of us, If you are taking the right dietary supplement.
Water-soluble vitamins travel freely through the body, and excess amounts usually are just excreted. The body needs a good water-soluble vitamins and minerals in daily, regular doses and these vitamins are not as likely as fat-soluble vitamins to reach toxic levels. A truly balanced diet usually provides enough of these vitamins, but in today’s busy world, how many of us get a truly balanced diet? Truly most all of us humans older than thirty years, and some with other lifestyles, like vegetarians may need to use a good dietary supplement to get enough of the basic daily requirements just to be healthier overall.
And keep in mind that our bodies also cannot make vitamin C and our capacity to store vitamin C is limited. We must, therefore, take in some daily. You are likely to need even more vitamin C if you are under a heavy stress load, have any healing wounds or infections, or if you smoke. Vitamin C also serves as a powerful antioxidant. It works synergistically with vitamin E as a free-radical scavenger. Recent studies also suggest that the combination of vitamins C and E in daily doses can even help reduce some the risks of developing of diseases. Remember that water-soluble vitamins, the B-complex group and vitamin C, dissolve in water and the excesses are eliminated in our urine. We need a continuous supply of them in our diets to ensure proper health and nutrition.
A BIG Question: LIQUID VS. PILLS dietary supplements?
What kind of vitamins do I take? Liquid or pills? What dosages? How many? Should I have to pay for dozens of individual vitamins instead of just taking a single dietary supplement? I have done some great research, so you do not have to spend hundreds of hours on the info for dozens of different pills that you have to swallow. Can you imagine swallowing as many as 10 or 15 pills a day, just to get your vitamins? Just buying that many different vitamins a month could cost you around $300.00 Dollars or more. But read on, you are about to be let in on the dirty little secret that pill manufacturers don't want you to know about.
You can only put a very small amount of ingredients into a pill. Why? Think of a pill as if it was a nearly full suitcase. The pill is the suitcase and the inside is full of clothes and everything else you need for a trip. The only space left is for the things you buy when you get where you are going. This is the space available to put actual active ingredients (such as vitamins) inside the pill. Everything else is needed to keep the pill stable (or to get you where you are going).
Because of this, as much as 80% of a pill can be fillers, binders, chelating agents and film coatings. In order to get the amount of vitamins that you can get with a high quality liquid dietary supplement, you would need to take at least 12 pills a day. Why swallow 12 or more pills a day when you can take as little as a One ounce of a high potency liquid dietary supplement and get more vitamins, minerals, fruit, vegetable and plant extracts than you could get by taking dozens of pills? It just doesn’t make sense, but day after day people take a basic “once a day” dietary supplement and believe they are getting what they need. I hate to be the one to break it to you, but you aren't even getting close via this pill method.
Decades ago, simply taking dietary supplements was accepted as a novel way to give your body what it needs. Due to the advances of science, we now know that just because you take a dietary supplement does not mean that your cells are efficiently absorbing the nutrients. This action is called Bioavailability; The proportion of a dietary supplement that reaches its site of action in the body and the rate at which or degree to which a nutrient is absorbed and made available for the body’s use. Simple put you want the highest bioavailability level you can get; more of what you are paying for and taking in is getting to your cells.
There is something New on the supplement market...
Consequently, there has been a long-standing quest to discover a legitimate breakthrough technology that would allow efficient and maximum cellular absorption of nutrient-sized particles. Well, in September 2008, something new came to the dietary supplement market, Called Max N-Fuze, by Max International. For full disclosure, I am taking this product and have been on it from release date, feeling really great and that this is working for me. What's in it...

Max N-Fuze uses a patent-pending nanotechnology to efficiently deliver targeted nutrients that are capable of readily being absorbed and utilized at the cell level. This breakthrough technology consists of enveloping nano-sized nutrients in a highly purified water cluster and efficiently delivering the nano-sized particle to your body’s cells. And it is an easy to shallow liquid that tastes great, in single serving easy opening daily packet. No fuss, no muss, and no Solid pills! Not only do people not get the vitamins they really need, they fail to absorb the vitamins they taking due to the vitamin being sold in a solid pill form and then they get stuck with paying the full retail price for all of these vitamins because they buy it in a retail store that has to pay for overhead, employees, a physical store and more. Why not get your vitamins, minerals, and more, together in one great tasting and proven effective product, delivered direct to your door, a full 30 day supply without hassle? Yes, right to your mailbox and at wholesale pricing?
Ok, How About Pricing, What is Retail and Wholesale? The Retail price for Max N-Fuze is $85.00 plus flat rate shipping of $9.95 and where applicable state taxes. The Wholesale price is $69.00, same shipping and applicable taxes, plus you are in full control of the whole process, via the internet or toll-free phone number, as to when and where it is shipped. Customer service folks is great, quick and they are in Utah, not halfway around the world!
Max N-Fuze was subjected to vigorous safety testing at Clemson University. Additionally, Max International is a member of the Institute of Nutraceutical Research (INR). The INR is a leading research group that consolidates the intellectual and physical resources of the faculty at Clemson University and links these resources to South Carolina Nutrition Research Consortium (SCNRC) involving the South Carolina Research Authority, the University of South Carolina and the Medical University of SC in a unique partnership.
Max N-Fuze is an unparalleled breakthrough in liquid vitamin and mineral supplements, using cellular absorption and nanotechnology. This may seem complicated, but really all this means is that nano-sized nutrients are being delivered directly to the cells. This means the maximum amount of vitamins in the minimum amount of time, actually cutting cellular absorption down to one hour rather than 18-36 hours. Ready to Try some, Just click on any of the Max N-Fuze , or just drop me a E-mail, for more in-depth info, questions or service.
Very Powerful words and products - and also part of the reason I joined Max International. I was not only searching for change in my lifestyle, but I wanted to feel better, have more energy, and be involved in something positive. The science behind Max N-Fuze is truly amazing, the reasons we should all take it are over-powering, but there are enough articles about that. The reason for this blog is more about the life changing direction our lives can take when we are part of something that is bigger than us. Finding truly powerful Other Kinds Of Answers...
These above statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. This statement has been added to comply with federal, state, and local laws.
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