All this talk about "stimulus packages" and "bailouts"...
A billion dollars...
A hundred billion dollars...
Eight hundred billion dollars...
One TRILLION dollars...
What does that look like? I mean, these huge numbers are tossed around like so many doggie treats, so when a fellow great thinker thought he'd take Google Sketchup out for a test drive and try to get a sense of what exactly a trillion dollars looks like. I really Loved it, and had to share with all of my readers and post it!
Now those of you that read OKOA when I do post something, are going to know that if you want weird info clearly, you have found the right place to find it!
Now those of you that read OKOA when I do post something, are going to know that if you want weird info clearly, you have found the right place to find it!
We'll start with a $100 dollar bill. Currently the largest U.S. denomination in general circulation. Most everyone has seen them, slightly fewer have owned them. Guaranteed to make friends wherever they go. It has always been my fav bill of U.S. Currency!

A packet of one hundred $100 bills is less than 1/2" thick and contains $10,000. Fits in your pocket easily and should be more than enough for day or two of shamefully decadent legal fun.

Now I have held just over $2 million dollars in cash in my hands. Not really that hard of a thing to do, as long as you can get access to that kind of cash. It sure felt good, even for the few minutes that it was there!
While a measly $1 million looked a little unimpressive, $100 million is a little more respectable. It fits neatly on a standard pallet...

And $1 BILLION dollars... now we're really getting somewhere... Ten Pallets!....

Next we'll look at ONE TRILLION dollars. This is that number we've been hearing so much about. What is a trillion dollars? Well, it's a million million. It's a thousand billion. It's a one followed by 12 zeros.
You ready for this? It's pretty surprising.
Ladies and gentlemen... I give you $1 trillion dollars U.S....

(And notice those pallets are double stacked and the Dot of a person still standing to the left of the pallets.)
So the next time you hear someone toss around the phrase "trillion dollars"... that's what they're talking about. That is really a lot of Other Kinds Of Answers...
(step by step calculations & dimensions are HERE for those who may be interested in getting a copy, in PDF.)
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